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Current News & Events

International Association for Feminist Economics

@feministdataresearch is at the annual conference #International association for feminist economics @iaffe_org #iaffe2024 in #Rome - happy to see friends!

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Happy International Women’s Day from the FDR Team!

Black History Month 2024


Celebrating Our African American Kewulay Kamara – Storyteller Extraordinaire!

“Kewulay was instrumental to the future storytelling component of our Support of Artificial Intelligence (SAIL) project funded by the governments of Sweden and Canada...and he is an alum of my school in NYC, The New School!” 

Ana, Androsik, FDR CEO

Kewulay Kamara is one of the key FDR experts. Kewulay or Ke, as he likes to be called, is a poet, multi-media storyteller, and lecturer with a diverse background spanning culture, government, academia, and media. He holds a BA in Political Science and Literature from the State University of New York at Oneonta, an MA in Political Economy, and has completed coursework towards a PhD in Economic Planning at the New School for Social Research.

Additionally, he obtained an MFA in Performance and Integrated Media Arts from Brooklyn College. With 25 years of lecturing experience at the City University of New York, Kamara currently serves as the UNESCO Chair of Foresight at the University of Makeni in Sierra Leone. He has contributed to publications such as The Journal of Future Studies and has authored research reports on topics such as the transition from youth to adulthood in Sierra Leone. Kamara is also a filmmaker, known for documentaries like “In Search of Finah Misa Kule: The Story of a People Who Live by the Word,” which explore storytelling in northern Sierra Leone. His latest film, “Kani Kura,” delves into the history of those left behind during the middle passage. Kamara is recognized for his contributions, having been named an Apex International Fellow in 2018 and receiving the International Alumni of the Year award from the State University of New York, Oneonta, in 2022.


Hi There!

As we reflect on the whirlwind of a year that was 2023, countless stories and beautiful memories come to mind that help tell the story of our work at FDR. We thank our amazing, diverse team, partners, and advisors, for all that you have made possible.

At FDR we continue to strive to promote a more equitable and just world by focusing on supporting our partners with strategic resource mobilization and helping them build technical innovative solutions. We support programming in gender and inclusion, leading evaluations, and baselining for multi-year multi-million-dollar projects, advancing knowledge management and gender analysis for our partners in the field of responsible Artificial Intelligence, empowering multiple actors on the ground to tell their stories from non-colonial and authentic lens, and providing tools and analysis for gender self-assessments. In the face of the many challenges globally, we must redouble our efforts in utilizing multiple data languages we have in our disposal to advance “new data deal” from a non-colonial lens.

As we look back on our year, here’s a snapshot of some ways our work made a difference.

Black History Month 2023
Feminist Data & Research Inc. is celebrating #blackhistorymonth #blackhistorymonth2023 - incorporating #antiracism approach in #dataanalytics Responsible AI Lab
City of Ottawa: Gender, Anti-Racism and Equity Baseline Study (GREBS)

#data for #equity Excited to share news about Feminist Data & Research Inc. collaboration with the City of Ottawa in the development of #Gender, #antiracism and #equity Baseline Study (GREBS). We are excited that this foundational work has concluded successfully - grateful to the team of amazing experts, advisors and contributors. Harry Cummings Edmund Aplerh-Doku, P.E., MBA Rebeca Gonzalez Misha Baudisch-McCabe (She/Her) Elena Pushkina Zara Mahdi Jeannine d'Entremont Sawsan Al Refai Steve Kanellakos #genderequality #genderequity #antiracism #inclusionanddiversity

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2021

As we stand with #firstnations#inuit, and #metis communties on this first #National #Day #for #Truth and #Reconciliation in Canada, our social enterprise, Feminist Data & Research Inc. acknowledges great work of its partners, Makivik Corporation & ONE DROP in Inukjuak Nunavik in support of #community development, #food security and #healthy eating for men, women, boys and girls funded by RBC Foundation. Feminist Data & Research Inc. is priviledged to utilize its #noncolonial #methodology in evaluating this project through the #fieldwork and on line #dataanalysis. #truthandreconciliation #truthmatters #truthbetold #research #storypower #storytellingwithdata

Edmund Aplerh-Doku, P.E., MBA Kent Schroeder Harry Cummings

Ontario Council of International Cooperation (OCIC)

OCIC was excited to launch our Innovation Lab 2021, an experiential, collaborative learning series between 60+ youth and Global Women's Network, The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada, Knowledge Equity Lab, Partners In Health Canada, The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, World Accord and Youth Challenge International, came together to innovate reporting through data journalism, interactive mapping, podcasting and photo journalism. Over 15 days youth participants had the opportunity to partner with participating organizations.

FDR Condemns Racism and Islamophobia

Feminist Data & Research Inc. stands with the Muslim and #londonontariocanada community in condemning acts of #hatecrime. We stand with the boy who is now left without parents due to racist hatred. We appeal to the Canadian community to not stay silent. Everyone has the #righttolive and to feel #safe#children #community #islamophobia #antiracismeducation #safecity Government of Canada #londonontario

International Women's Day 2021

To celebrate #IWD2021, we at Feminist Data & Research Inc. are partnering with Manitoba Council for International Cooperation on teaching #gender and development hands on interactive course focused on #FIAPtools and lingo, #feminist movement of women from developing countries and organizational #gender and #antiracism assessments.

We #choosetochallenge2021 participants with new knowledge from #noncolonial, #antiracism & #feministlens.

Case Study from International Development Research Centre (IDRC) funded project #KNUST - hands on #genderassessment

Register at

#feministdata #MCICtraining #GenderFDR Daniella Asare Zara Mahdi Ontario Council for International Cooperation

FDR and COVID-19
#covid19 #Ebola #gender #genderincrisis

As the world fights back against the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects globally, we applaud the heroic contributions of our medical personnel and ask: How can we assist?

FDR has focused on providing data research and analysis that fosters collaboration between multilateral organizations, government and peer agencies to learn from the 2014 - 2016 Ebola response in Sierra Leone; and is ready to assist in mitigating the on-going impact of the deadly COVID-19 disease.

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